Wednesday 16 March 2016

What has the world of the Paranormal got to do with Science?... Everything!

Has anyone heard of the "observation problem" in the quantum mechanics Field of scientific study?
In 1927, at the 5th Solvay Conference on physics, in Brussels, Belgium. A new proposal of "Mind over Matter" was admitted, to try and resolve inexplicable behaviours, within the newly formed Study of Quantum mechanics. With the Greatest minds of physics at the time attending, such as Einstein, Pauli, Dirac, Bohr, Heisenberg, Curie, De Broglie, Schrodinger, to mention but a few.
The subject of consciousness, and the atomic world was at hand.

Heisenberg and Bohr approached Einstein with a new theory, that the minds of the researchers, where affecting the results of the experiments. The mathematics and predictability were not repeatable, and reliable enough to explain what was going on. Einstein did not accept this theory at first, because it didn't fit in with any of the mathematical models. Years later.. he admitted it was happening.

"anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced
that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man"
Albert Einstein

The spirit that Einstein was talking about, is not a mechanical force... Gravity, Electromagnetism, (This though we do disagree on, as we believe that consciousness and electromagnetism go hand in hand), or the strong and weak forces. the Spirit Einstein was talking about, was Consciousness.
So for Einstein to make this Great transformation in his opinion, can only mean something must of happened to convince him, that it was really happening. That the Universe is alive, and our minds are a big part of it. Did great powers hide the truth? about what was discovered at the conference?

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."
Max Planck - The Father of Quantum Physics
1858 - 1947

Our current models of science cannot handle consciousness within its equations, some will try and tell you that Quantum Mechanics explains it, but this is not true. and the reason why there is no unified theory of everything yet, is because they are missing out a vital ingredient of the universe...
our minds... Consciousness.

In our opinion, there is only one element in the universe, the consciousness field, and everything is created within this field. Me you, your car, Our Reality, the laptop or smartphone that your reading this on.. everything. 

A lot of Paranormal Groups are looking for Evidence of Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Etc.
But we Believe that ALL beings are made of the same substance... Consciousness. And that our personal pursuit is to find evidence of Elemental Consciousness, mind, that can exist without form, or "physical" properties. basically we are looking for the same evidence, but our drive is slightly different to the "Generic" Paranormal Group.

Be Careful, and Take Care of Each Other.

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