Saturday 5 March 2016

Our Team Mission...

Our mission is to gather evidence, and proof, that conciousness can exist within our reality without the need of a physical vessel. As you probably now know from our previous blog posts, we believe that the entire universe system (and the possible 25 other realities) are just conciousness. And that this is all there is. The physical realm or material world, as well as time is just a tool to enable our minds to navigate through our three dimensional reality, and our lives so we can achieve what we are set on this path to achieve. To learn something, to understand something. I also believe that this "purpose" isn't universal, it is as individual as we are. Now these are just our own theories after long studies into every scientific discipline, quantum mechanics, particle physics, neurological studies of the brain etc. None of us are qualified, but we all have a keen interest in the scientific field, and it has naturally lead us to the study of the paranormal. Now we believe that the theory of Biocentrism, of which we strongly agree with, means that the conciousness system is always going to be the same size, and it "recycles" ALL of its elements or "memory" if you like. So death does not exist... its merely a transition to the next place. Now we can get into the philosophy of whether we get to go to the next place according to how good or bad we've been, or whether we have worked out our rightful purpose in time before we "transcend" to the next area of the LCS (Larger Conciousness System), but that is another discussion. Like I said earlier, we are not trying to push this on you, these are merely our theories and belief's. But what we do believe for sure, is that sometimes the conciousness/soul of a person can get stuck after there physical vessel has passed on, and there soul is left behind. And like most paranormal investigators, this is caused by a certain set of circumstances, like murder, sudden death, unfinished business, a promise to a loved one, or merely waiting for the one they love to pass, so they can go to the next place together. We love what we do, and we will keep doing it until we find definitive proof, or we go to the next place ourselves! and yes we have already made contingency plans if this occurs prematurely! and we will be attempting to make contact with each other! 

Stay safe out there, and look after each other.

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