Wednesday 23 March 2016

"Beings" Series Part 2... Poltergeists.

Poltergeists have been reported and are steeped throughout history, they have been reported all over the world and the first reported "Poltergeist" Infestation was reported back in the 1st Century, in Germany in 856 AD. The name "poltergeist" came from the German language words poltern ("to make sound" and "to rumble") and Geist ("ghost" and "spirit"), and the term itself translates as "noisy ghost", "rumble-ghost" or a "loud spirit". In Parapsychology, and Folklore, a poltergeist is a type of ghost or other supernatural entity which is responsible for physical disturbances, making load noises, moving objects, or destroying them! They have been reported to have the ability to Pinch, Bite and Hit people, and have also been known to trip people. they have also been reported to levitate objects such as furniture, and bang on doors.

There has been a few famous and hi profile cases over the years, including the Enfield Haunting, and the pontefract Poltergeist. The Enfield Haunting was probably one of the most famous cases in the UK. which involved Two sisters aged 11 and 13. it took place between the years 1977 to 1979 in a Council house in Brimsdown, Enfield, England. The case  gained a lot of attention. And was Featured in the press, with stories running in both the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror. In August 1977, a Mother of 4 children, Called the police after two of her children were reporting knocking sounds and furniture moving on its own. a Police constable attended the property, and witnessed a chair slide along the floor apparently by it's own accord, not believing what he had seen, he called in reinforcements. Including members of the Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.). First on the scene was Inventor Maurice Grosse, who was investigating the claims for a while before the S.P.R. felt that he was getting to involved with the Family, and sent in Guy Lyon Playfair.

Playfair became also convinced that the enfield Poltergeist was genuine along with Grosse. Although others such as professors of psychology Anita Gregory and John Beloff were "unconvinced" and allegedly found evidence the girls had faked incidents for the benefit of reporters, but they were using technology from the 70's, I would of been interested in what there conclusions would of been if they had access to some of today's technology and methods. Members of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry including stage magicians such as Milbourne Christopher, Joe Nickell, and Bob Couttie investigated the incidents and criticised paranormal investigators for being overly credulous, identifying various features of the case as being indicative of a hoax.But at the end of the day, a committee set up to find out if it was a hoax, would indeed after all draw there conclusion that it was a hoax! What they should of taken into consideration, is that Guy Lyon Playfair also initially thought it was a hoax, until he saw evidence for himself that it was indeed genuine.

Before the Enfield haunting, there was the events reported at 30 East Drive, Pontefract. Also known as the Black Monk of Pontefract, this infestation was different from most poltergeist reports, as it was accompanied by the apparition of a hooded figure, when most poltergeist occurrences are only of  the typical disruptive behaviour and movement of objects etc. The family, Jean, Joe and their two children, Phillip and Diane moved to the house in 1966, and immediately were confronted by strange happenings, including, white dust, or chalk falling from mid air, puddles appearing on the kitchen floor, that reappeared after mopping, even after a plumber had been called and found there not to be any leaks under the floor, or kitchen pipes of any nature. Also in the same day a chest of drawers started to sway of its own accord. 

The Family continued to live at the property for approximately 2 years before any further disturbances. The activity started up again, this time lasting for quite a few years, though they refused to be beaten and move from there home, the main person who seemed to be being affected was Diane. who was often thrown of her bed, and was dragged up the stairs and leaving apparent finger marks on her neck. Loud bangs and crashes were quite a common occurrence, more so when guests were visiting. and objects disappearing, only to be found in other places in the house. On two occasions the family tried to get the house exorcised, but failed on both occasions, seemingly to exacerbate the situation. After a concerned family friend dowsed holy water over the entire house, the entity apparently responded by painting upside down crosses on the living room walls and doors, and destroyed all the crucifixes in the entire house. 

The apparition of the entity didn't occur until near the end of the families haunting. The figure first appeared at the bottom of Joe and Jean's bed, they saw a black cloaked figure with the cowl over its head, and then hovered over their bed and disappeared. on a few other occasions, other visitors, and members of the family reported the sight of a figure that looked like a monk. though no one ever saw the face of the monk. then the occurrences seemed to stop, and the family never experienced any further disturbance.

There are many different types of beings in the Larger Consciousness System (L.C.S.) we believe them all to be capable of being good, evil, or neutral, after all, we are all entities that are capable of good and bad. There are just as many bad people in our own reality, and we all know one of those! Even though poltergeists can be malevolent, and sometimes cause harm, I myself would be more worried about the harm that one of my fellow humans could do me, than a malevolent poltergeist! after all, we do not know the circumstances of there demise, or there creation. if i was stuck in a place for hundreds of years, stuck and couldn't do anything about it, I would most probably become mischievous from boredom! and if i had the ability to move, or manipulate objects, i think id have a bit of fun as well! now don't get me wrong, some of the entities i've talked about in this blog could of been evil from the start, but as i said, we don't know the circumstances of their creation.

On The Next Blog, we will be Exploring the World of the Residual Haunting...

Take Care out There, and Look After Each Other.

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