Monday 7 March 2016

Is Time Constant? or is it just tied to our own Existence?

When analysing audio, trying to pick out EVP's, sometimes we discover sounds, or voices that seem to be on a different timescale to normal spoken word. Here's an example of this.
The first sentence is Realtime, and the second repeated sentence is 50% slower.

This for us was a discovery that got us thinking about time itself. Well to be honest, we've always had the theory that time, is relevant to size. for example, an elephants heart beats on average, approx 30 beats per minute. (and actually speeds up by 8 - 10 beats per minute when lying down!) and lives approx 60 - 70 years (Asian Elephants live on average for 48 years), yet the humble field mouse's heart beats 670 times a minute and lives for around 2 years. so the two animals seem to be existing on different time scales, and probably to them, there life feels just as long as each other.

We Believe, time is just a tool to enable us to navigate our Interface around the 3D Reality that we are existing in at this time. Our interface, (Our body) is the bridge between our consciousness, and the "Physical" Reality, if we didn't have the tool of time, we wouldn't be able to do anything, go anywhere, or even exist in this reality. So we think Time is a tool that is personal to our very own interface. Which is why sometimes you can say to a friend, or colleague "wow, today went really slow" and their perception of the very same event in time could be "well i think today went really fast!". So two people perceiving the same place and event in time can have two different perceptions of "Timescale". So this leads us to think that Time is a very personal experience, and not the universal constant that we are lead to believe.

So the reason why we think that some EVP's sound as if they are fast, or slow, is because when a consciousness being hasnt got an Interface (body), then its perception of time can get messed up, or scrambled as it doesn't have the physical side of itself any longer that keeps it's own constant. Plus we also believe that Spirits/consciousness exist in different states of awareness, or in a sleep like state, according to how much energy it has, or can absorb. which could also effect it's perception of Time.
The more Energy it has, the more stable its Time Constant is, thus enabling them to communicate through spirit boxes or be recorded as EVP's in a timescale that's close to ours so we can understand what is being said. but occasionally, they could be less "Awake" or have less energy, and this is why we sometimes capture those Fast, or slow EVP's.

Be Careful, and look after each other.

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