Saturday, 12 March 2016

Portals... Vortexes, do they exist?

There is a lot of talk in the paranormal community about Portals, and Vortexes. 
It's believed that a portal is the doorway between this world, and the Otherside. Or to the Spirit realm.
Some believe that they are doorways to other dimensions, and a gateway for Extra Terrestrial Beings to come and go as they please, or are a shortcut across Time and Space.

There are theories that they are linked to "ley lines" around the world, and the ancient civilizations seemed to know something we don't, 
as a lot of ancient buildings and monuments seem to be built upon the leylines,
 and seem to be concentrated around the meetings and main conjunctures of said "lay lines"

When you look at the geometry of one of the most famous "ley line" buildings, Stonehenge, there is definitely something going on? what was it used for? How did they know where to Build it?

since the 60s a New Age mythology has been built up around the lines. Writers have claimed ley lines are natural sources of ‘vital energy’, that they having healing properties, that they are somehow linked with feng shui, ancient astronomy, or the Nazca lines of the ancient Peruvians.

But in science, there has been a recent discovery... Portals DO exist! well,
NASA has recently discovered naturally occurring portals within the earths magnetic field!

It turns out that portals do exist, sort of, and a NASA-funded researcher at the University of Iowa has figured out how to find them. “We call them X-points or electron diffusion regions,” explains plasma physicist Jack Scudder of the University of Iowa. “They’re places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away.” Ah, so the term “portal” in this case is merely a corridor between the Earth and the Sun that allows the transmission of particles between the two spheres? Observations by NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft and Europe’s Cluster probes suggest that these magnetic portals open and close dozens of times each day. They’re typically located a few tens of thousands of kilometers from Earth where the geomagnetic field meets the onrushing solar wind. Most portals are small and short-lived; others are yawning, vast, and sustained. Tons of energetic particles can flow through the openings, heating Earth’s upper atmosphere, sparking geomagnetic storms, and igniting bright polar auroras.

in the next few weeks, we are going to be doing some studies of the lay line maps, and try and see if we can find some buildings with reported paranormal occurrences, that just so happen to be built on a lay line, as we are interested in whether this would heighten, or concentrate the paranormal activity, by increasing the natural energies of the land or building. We will keep you posted, and report on any investigation news, as always, we will be filming it!

Be Careful, and Take Care of Each Other.

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