Saturday 30 April 2016

"Beings" Series Part 6... Black Eyed Children.

OK, so we haven't posted for a while as we were taking a break, plus doing a bit of filming for this years "The SPIRIT Files" season. So we are going to continue with the "Beings" topics. 
Black eyed children... this phenomenon is a relatively new one, apparently the first reports of these creatures was back in the 1990's. back in 1998, a reporter from Texas, USA called Brian Bethel posted about the "Black-Eyed children" on a "ghost-related mailing list". He wrote about alleged encounters with the creatures. 

There has been many accounts, reports and sightings of the Black-eyed children legend, but one of the most compelling accounts was by the original person who reported it in the first place, Brian Bethel. Here is his report.

"Near as I can figure, this happened in 1996. I’ve managed to pin down the date that far. I feel like it happened in the spring or summer, since I remember wearing a pair of shorts, but one of my great regrets is not recording the actual date of the event.
After you hear the story, you’d think it would be something you’d never forget. But given enough time between, not the case. My memory, while good, isn’t quite eidetic.
I had gone down to the former site of Camalott Communications, one of the area’s original Internet providers, to pay my bill. At the time, Camalott was located on North 1st Street, near the movie theater, in the shadow of what is now Chase, then Bank One.
I was using the light of the theater’s marquee to write out my check, which I planned to put in Camalott’s night drop-slot. Involved in my work, I never heard them approach.
There was a knock on my driver’s side window. Two young boys, somewhere between nine to 12 years old and dressed in hooded pullovers, stood outside.

I cracked the window a bit, anticipating a spiel for money, but I was immediately gripped by an incomprehensible, soul-wracking fear. I had no idea why.
A conversation ensued between one boy, a somewhat suave, olive-skinned, curly-headed young man, and myself. The other, a redheaded, pale-skinned, freckled young man, stayed in the background.
The “spokesman,” as I’ve come to think of him, told me that he and his companion needed a ride. They wanted to see a movie, “Mortal Kombat,” but they had left their money at their mother’s house. Could I give them a ride?
Plausible enough. But all throughout this exchange, the irrational fear continued and grew. I had no reason to be frightened of these two boys, but I was. Terribly.
After a bit more conversation, I looked up at the theatre marquee and down at the digital clock display in my car.
Mortal Kombat’s last show of the night had already started. By the time I could have driven the boys anywhere and back, it would practically have been over.
All the while, the spokesman uttered assurances:
It wouldn’t take long.
They were just two little kids.
They didn’t have a gun or anything.
The last part was a bit unnerving.
I noticed that my hand had strayed toward the lock on my door. I pulled it away, perhaps a bit too violently.

In the short time I had broken the gaze of the spokesman, something had changed, and my mind exploded in a vortex of all-consuming terror.
Both boys stared at me with coal-black eyes. The sort of eyes one sees these days on aliens or bargain-basement vampires on late night television. Soulless orbs like two great swathes of starless night.
I did what I feel any rational person would do. I full-on freaked out inside while trying to appear completely sane and calm.
I apologised to the kids. I made whatever excuses came to mind, all of them designed to get me the hell out of there. Fast. The aura of fear was now a palpable, black-hanging thing, almost as if reality itself was warping around me.
I wrapped my hand around the gearshift, threw the car into reverse and began to roll up the window, apologising all the while.
My fear must have been evident. The boy in the back wore a look of confusion. The spokesman banged sharply on the window as I rolled it up. His words, full of anger, echo in my mind even today:
“We can’t come in unless you tell us it’s OK. Let us in!”
I drove out of the parking lot in blind fear, and I’m surprised I didn’t sideswipe a car or two along the way. I stole a quick look in my rear view mirror before peeling out into the night. The boys were gone. Even if they had run, I don’t believe there was anyplace they could have hidden from view that quickly."

During one week in September 2014, the British tabloid Daily Star ran three sensationalistic front-page stories about alleged sightings of black-eyed children, connected to the sale of a supposedly haunted pub in Staffordshire. The paper claimed a "shock rise in sightings around the world". 
Alleged sightings are taken seriously by ghost hunters, some of whom believe black eyed children to be extraterrestrials, vampires, or ghosts.

According to science writer Sharon A. Hill, the legend of "black eyed kids resembles typical spooky folklore stories in the same realm as phantom black dogs, apparitions, and mysterious monsters. They aren't supernatural, there may never even have been an actual encounter. That does not stop people from continuing to see and fear them and pass on the latest tale of terror."

So what do we think? Well Firstly I would never disbelieve any kind of supernatural or paranormal report, there has been quite a few reports over the years, some are obviously jumping on the bandwagon, but others certainly have the same ring and feel to them. I for one do not disbelieve the biodiversity of this planet, so I would never disbelieve the biodiversity of this universe, or reality. I'm sure there are countless types of entities in our consciousness system, and quite believe there are entities that use our life force as an energy source, after all, what do we eat? we eat other organic life forms, whether it be plant or animal, we are feeding on life itself. 

Take Care out There, and Look after Each Other.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

"Beings" Series Part 5... Demons.

Demons... Steeped in history and synonymous with mythology, folklore and occultism. In Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an unclean spirit, a fallen angel, or a spirit of unknown type which may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism. In Western occultism and Renaissance magic, which grew out of an amalgamation of Greco-Roman magic, Jewish Aggadah and Christian demonology, a demon is believed to be a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled.

The belief in demons is as old as civilization itself, and most people will tell you that they believe that there are dark forces at play in the world. Infact I would say that there are more people in the world that believe in demons and the devil, than there are that believe in god, or jesus. Every ancient civilization, religion or ancient text, talks about demons in which ever guise they took at the time, and there has been countless occult societies, and devil worshipers trying to conjure up demons, that have sprung up through the ages. Some believe that they can be of an elemental type, and there are earth, wind, fire and water demons.

Demonic Possession... As this post is about demons, I'm afraid we have to talk about possession. Do I believe in demonic possession? we will go into this further on in the post. The earliest report of a demonic possession, comes from the Bible, old testament. But its not very clear if this is an actual possession report, or a warning of what might happen. We are told that "an evil spirit from the Lord troubled" Saul (1 Samuel 16:14). The Hebrew rûah need not imply a personal influence, though, if we may judge from Josephus (Ant. Jud., VI, viii, 2; ii, 2), the Jews were inclined to give the word that meaning in this very case. In New Testament times, however, the phenomenon had become very common. However, the Old Testament does contain numerous references to evil spirits, often interacting in malevolent ways with people. Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalities, convulsions (i.e. epileptic seizures or “fits”) and fainting as if one were dying. Other descriptions include access to hidden knowledge (gnosis) and foreign languages (xenoglossy), drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength. Unlike in channeling, the subject has no control over the possessing entity and so it will persist until forced to leave the victim, usually through a form of exorcism.

What do we believe? Well I for one believe that there is a type of being that has existed alongside humanity, and if you've read any of our other posts, you'll know that we believe that there are many different "beings". but what I do believe about demons, is that they have never been human, and some want to be. This is why there is so many reports of Possession. Why do they want to claim human bodies for themselves? who knows. perhaps there reality is a place that no one would want to be, and they do have the power to claim one's body. but I also believe that you need to be susceptible, or willing to "invite them in" and maybe some are cunning enough to fool you into giving up this right. But I also think that if you are strong, and are not easily fooled, or play with things that shouldn't be played with, Black magic, Ouija Boards (if lacking in experience) Etc, then you should be fine. But don't ever let down your guard, as you never know what might be waiting in the shadows...

Take Care out There, and Look After Each Other.